Tuesday, January 27, 2009

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1 comment:

candoor said...

sometimes i wonder, when i look at words written by people i do not know about people i do not know, why i read and even more, why they write, for so often there are no comments and it seems as if the words are cast into a void for no one to ever find...

the same thought comes to mind for all the other web pages i see out on the web, and then, for my own many...

and i rationalize that they are places for the storage of thoughts and images, hopes and dreams, pains and pleasures and pieces of life - feelings felt and frozen in time before they have the chance to melt... simply representations of the person uploading, as deep or momentarily light as they wish, seeking no more than to be...

or messages in a bottle, for those (like me) who with to be found...

for me then, hoping to be found amidst the myriad of web sites and pages, the 0 comments can be sad and a challenge to overcome, a loneliness, and yet, that is just part of why i am out here...

the storage of moments brings gleeful personal pleasure without any ego-driven desires or loneliness...

i wonder how much of which experience you feel coming to your blogs and uploading...

i wonder what you feel through your eyes :)